Tips on How to Teach Violin

Tips on How to Teach Violin

As a music teacher, teaching violin requires a good amount of planning, preparation, organization, goals and objectives. But more than that, there has to be a few different approaches depending on the student. When it comes to violin, a student’s age can vary from a 6...
Summer Scheduling

Summer Scheduling

Every year about this time of year, piano teacher Facebook groups are flooded with the same question… how do you handle your summer scheduling? And the question is a good one because none of us like to lose income over the summer. I get it and 100% agree! Yet, this is...
More Free Piano Flashcards

More Free Piano Flashcards

After my recent post about sites with free piano flashcards, Music Matters Blog reader Ann sent me an email with a link to another fabulous page full of free piano flashcards! It had been a long time since I’d been to Jennifer’s Pianimation website, so I was thrilled...
5 Best Apps for Music Teachers

5 Best Apps for Music Teachers

Technology has been able to offer teachers tools and apps that make their work a lot easier or even explore new ways to teach. Some of these tools come in the form of mobile apps, which offer a wide range of possibilities depending on what you are looking for. There...